Please complete the form below and once submitted, you will receive a confirmation email and further information regarding your submission.

Content Submission Guidelines

  1. Topics must revolve around the technology and life science fields, including our designated topics
  2. Be compelling, informational, unique and relevant
  3. Be written in US English
  4. Be approximately 400-600 words, using the form
  5. Include a title and topical introductory paragraph (the first few sentences will be displayed on the blog home page)
  6. Encourage comments and discussions by ending the post with a question to your readers

Your Blog Post may Not:

  1. Be a self-promotional article just for the sake of encouraging the reader to visit the author’s personal link or website
  2. Be a sales pitch of your product or website
  3. Be a review of any sort
  4. Contain anything that is related to gambling or to irrelevant or illegal or explicit subject matter
  5. Contain any information that is trademarked or copyrighted without proper attribution and written permission from the author


Stories should be no more than three to five paragraphs long. Be approximately 400-600 words
Please provide a brief bio for yourself. A short paragraph is ideal.
Permission to Publish
  1. By submitting your story, you grant the Maryland Tech Council permission to use your story and full name as part of our ongoing blog series. We will never publicly use your email or phone number. You also agree to allow us to edit your blog for readability and appropriate content
Content Submission Policies
  1. All entries are subject to review and may take up to 10 days before a response to a submission is given
  2. A submission does not guarantee your content will be published. The MTC reserves the right to review and approve or reject any submission. In addition, the MTC reserves the right to edit submissions for content and or length for consistency and quality control purposes
  3. The author of the blog is required to respond to any posted comments/queries in the comments section of the blog for 30 days after the blog is first published. The MTC will not be required or expected to respond to blog comments
  4. Authors will receive appropriate credit for content published and agree to allow the MTC full rights to republish articles in any communications medium they wish (website, social media, newsletter, blog, etc.)